Vithal Sustrato Universal Sin Turba 5L ( SP-VG24023006) (Tierra y sustratos)
Plazo de entrega hasta 48h.
High: 6
Quality: Sustrato
Origination: Nacional
Pack x box: 20.00
Weight: 5
Units x pack: 10
Units x box: 200.00
Especialmente diseñado con una baja densidad, idóneo para el manejo del consumidor. Excelente retención de agua y gran capacidad de aireación. Certificado y apto para la agricultura ecológica.
Flores Calé S.L. It is a family business located in Valencia. Currently has 42 employees.We are dedicated to sell all types of flowers, Cut Greens, Plants, Dried and Preserved Flowers, Accessories for Florist and Decoration. We are direct importers from Ecuador, Colombia and Europe, we buy directly from the Aalsmeer auction and also from our national suppliers.