Bote Granulado Rosa 650ml ( ED-349105) (Decorative Accessories)
High: 16
Colour: Rosa
Quality: Natural
Origination: Holanda
Weight: 650
Units x pack: 1
Units x box: 12.00
Su color rosa vibrante y su textura granulada la convierten en una opción perfecta para embellecer jarrones o cualquier espacio que requiera un elemento distintivo. Este bote de arena no solo es estéticamente atractivo, sino que también es versátil y fácil de usar en diversas manualidades y decoraciones.
Flores Calé S.L. It is a family business located in Valencia. Currently has 42 employees.We are dedicated to sell all types of flowers, Cut Greens, Plants, Dried and Preserved Flowers, Accessories for Florist and Decoration. We are direct importers from Ecuador, Colombia and Europe, we buy directly from the Aalsmeer auction and also from our national suppliers.